Are We Navigating To Our Optimal Temporal Reality?
Wanderers, Elections, Super Soldiers and Our Collective Consciousness

By Corey Goode With David Wilcock
Imagine a future where we have full disclosure, and the complete removal of all control structures in our solar system. We rapidly come into contact with incredible new technologies that transform our lives in almost unimaginable ways – and meet a host of new friends in our greater galactic family.
In our last update I discussed our need as a group consciousness to choose this “Optimal Temporal Reality.” This probable future is the best case scenario for humanity by far.
Right now, each one of us is deciding whether we will co-create this glorious future, or any of a number of other scenarios that could take much longer – and would be significantly less triumphant as well.
According to Tear-Eir, we can still achieve this “Optimal Temporal Reality” if we continue to wake up to the corruption and lies we have been fed our entire lives.
Not long after publishing this update, I was picked up by a blue sphere.
I was lying in bed as usual when the orb’s pale blue light began to shine through my eyelids.
I immediately got out of bed and indicated that I was ready for the blue orb to take me to the intended destination. I was not expecting this visit, but I had learned to be prepared with the recent cluster of meetings that have occurred.
I was not surprised to find myself in the blue sphere once again. Raw-Tear-Eir was there to greet me in the usual manner and Gonzales was standing a short distance away.
I took the opportunity to look above me at the cosmic scene that had been changing each time I had observed it. I noticed that the other blue spheres, close enough for me to see, were now looking a bit more translucent.
As I looked closer I also noticed a rippling, water-like effect on them. It looked almost as though someone had thrown a handful of rocks into a pond. There also seemed to be pulses of this rippling effect as though a strong solar wind was blowing them.
Once my sight had adjusted to the cosmic scene all around me, I noticed a number of metallic-looking spheres appearing out of the darkness quite a distance away. I could tell they were extremely large, but I didn’t have another object to use as a frame of reference.
There were nine of these spheres that I could make out. The spheres looked to be about the size of my thumbnail from a fully outstretched arm. This led me to estimate they might be about the size of Earth’s Moon.
Tear-Eir suddenly glided to within ten feet of me, and began to communicate about the “300,000 ascension-ready” people that I had reported on earlier. He indicated that my delivery of that intel had caused a lot of anxiety in those who received it. These people put out a call for clarity, so Tear-Eir indicated he wanted me to deliver the information more clearly this time.
The 300,000 figure was provided after I had expressed an interest in the number of people who are ready for energetic changes (ascension.) I had also asked what percentage of “service to others” (STO) those around me and I had currently achieved in our journey.
I was more than a little bit shocked and troubled by the answers I received. Not only was I not in the 300,000, my STO percentage was much lower than I would have guessed. I believe this is probably true of most of us on the planet right now.
Tear-Eir then communicated that at the moment I had expressed interest in this subject, the number of people ready to ascend was less than 300,000. It was further communicated that this number is in a constant flux from moment to moment, as is our temporal reality.
I then expressed concern and confusion again about the low number that I had received. I asked, “What about the millions of children on this planet?” I thought surely the innocent children of the world had to fall under some sort of “age of accountability.”
Raw-Tear-Eir then communicated that some of the number given indeed included children.
However, many other children will also be moving on to higher densities as we go through the shift, even though they are not part of the 300,000 figure that was given.
Millions of children and adults are ET souls or “Wanderers”, and their numbers were not included in the 300,000, for reasons we will now explain.
The Law of One series is the main “revealed teaching” that the Sphere Beings have endorsed as being accurate and useful for us at this time.
It now appears that the Blue Avians are the same beings that contacted the ancient Egyptians as “Ra,” the bird-headed entity. They again spoke as Ra in the Law of One series from 1981 to 83.
William Henry discovered ancient Egyptian depictions of Ra as a blue avian humanoid, as seen in Cosmic Disclosure, Season 5, Episode 3, “Blue Avians & Spheres in Ancient Art:”
This connection was unknown to any of us when my contacts began, and was a matter of great surprise to everyone when William Henry approached us with this data.
Once I finally began reading the Law of One myself, the beings began speaking to me in very similar-sounding language – further revealing their identity as the source of this material.
On a practical level, this means that studying the Law of One series can give us far greater insights into the philosophy and practices of the sphere beings.
As of 1981 in Session 12, the number of Wanderers was approximated as being close to 65 million. In Session 63, the number of Wanderers on earth was again said to be “in excess of 60 million.”
By now, those numbers are significantly higher – possibly up to 300 million or more. With a population of seven billion, that would mean a little over one out of every 23 people on Earth is an ET soul.
If you are a regular reader of these updates and feel they resonate deeply with you, there is a very good chance that you are a Wanderer as well.
In Law of One terms, these souls have come in from a level significantly more advanced than the basic requirements for graduation from third to fourth-density life.
For this same reason, the vast majority of Wanderers will return to their “native density” as we go through the “quantum leap” referred to in the Law of One.
Therefore, the number of 300,000 only referred to a select group within the greater majority of people on Earth who have never lived above third-density vibration at this point in their journey.
The efforts of Wanderers are focused on helping inspire these third-density folks to become more conscious, loving and forgiving people.
The only real danger Wanderers face is by becoming “consciously unloving” to a significant-enough degree in one or more lifetimes that a multi-incarnational “karmic alleviation” is then required.
In certain rare cases, this might cause them to miss out on our soon-to-be upcoming graduation and have to repeat another 3D cycle. This is explained in various places in the Law of One, such as Session 16, Question 61, featured below.
More commonly, these karmic adjustments will appear as personality issues or health problems. Working through these issues ideally brings us back to a loving place. Questions 27 through 30 in Session 12 of the Law of One clears up the issue quite nicely:
12.27 Questioner: How many [Wanderers] are incarnate on Earth now [1981]?
Ra: I am Ra. The number is approximate due to an heavy influx of those birthed at this time due to an intensive need to lighten the planetary vibration and thus aid in harvest (ascension). The number approaches sixty-five million.
12.28 Questioner: Are most of these from the fourth density? What density do they come from?
Ra: I am Ra. Few there are of fourth density. The largest number of Wanderers, as you call them, are of the sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment.
The challenge/danger of the Wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid the destruction.
12.29 Questioner: What could one of these entities do to become karmically involved? Could you give us an example?
Ra: I am Ra. An entity which acts in a consciously unloving manner in action with other beings can become karmically involved.
12.30 Questioner: [i] thought. Do any of these Wanderers have physical ailments in this Earth situation?
Ra: I am Ra. Due to the extreme variance between the vibratory distortions of third density and those of the more dense densities, if you will, Wanderers have as a general rule some form of handicap, difficulty, or feeling of alienation which is severe.
The most common of these difficulties are alienation, the reaction against the planetary vibration by personality disorders, as you would call them, and body complex ailments indicating difficulty in adjustment to the planetary vibrations such as allergies, as you would call them.
16.61 Questioner: And if a Wanderer were to be successfully infringed upon, shall I say, by the Orion group, what would happen to this Wanderer at the harvest?
Ra: I am Ra. If the Wanderer entity demonstrated through action a negative orientation towards other-selves it would be as we have said before, caught into the planetary vibration and, when harvested, possibly repeat again the master cycle of third density as a planetary entity.
The Biblical term Harvest, such as from the Book of Matthew, is the primary term used in the Law of One for what we usually call Ascension.
The original Bible quote describes how the “wicked” will be “severed from among the just” at this time, much like a gardener pulling weeds – hence the term Harvest.
There is still some degree of mystery about exactly what will happen, and how – and some of this was cleared up in the contacts I received in this update.
In Session 34, we also hear that karma need not be seen as a huge, fearful thing. It can be absolved very quickly, as we are about to see.
In Session 65, the Earth is compared to a grocery store, where the choices we make are represented as various containers on the shelves.
This analogy was used to indicate that karmic alleviation could occur on a planetary level as well – which appears to be what they now are calling the Optimal Temporal Reality:
34.5 Questioner: If an entity develops what is called karma in an incarnation, is there then programming that sometimes occurs so that he will experience catalyst that will enable him to get to a point of forgiveness, thereby alleviating the karma?
Ra: I am Ra. This is, in general, correct. However, both self and any involved other-self may, at any time through the process of understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness, ameliorate these patterns. This is true at any point in an incarnative pattern.
Thus, one who has set in motion an action may forgive itself and never again make that error. This also brakes or stops what you call karma.
65.12 Although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities [on Earth at this time], there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment.
Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.
Raw-Tear-Eir communicated that many of today’s children are Wanderers, and therefore are here to help us through these times of change. This was a major relief to me.
Additionally, Tear-Eir said many adults are also Wanderers – here from soul groups that were formerly outside this planet, and from other densities that have come here on similar missions.
These people are also here to contribute to the mass consciousness and assist in the transition to a higher vibration. Humanity has been so incredibly conditioned by negative forces that they tend to cling to third-density reality. These souls are here to help us let go of the old paradigm.
I was told that the Wanderer’s specific mission is to bring a loving vibration, as well as to be present during the great consciousness shift and help lead us into a new reality.
If what Ambassador Micca told me about his culture is true, once we go through this shift, we are looking at a “Conscious Renaissance” that will launch humanity into a new era – where we will refer to the times we are in now as “The Dark Ages”.
Negative groups such as the Draco are only able to tamper with a planet like Earth until we reach this new level of consciousness, which the Law of One calls “social memory.”
The internet has already put us well on our way towards having “all understanding/distortions available to the entities of the society,” which is what we need to reach.
With a “group memory” available to all, no secrets can be kept. No lies, deceit and trickery can exist. We learn from our past and ensure that we do not repeat the negative aspects. We have full transparency in all aspects of government and society.
In the Law of One series, the Draco are referred to as the “Orion” group, or the “Crusaders” – and the Draco do have a major stronghold in Orion:
11.16 Questioner: What do the crusaders do?
Ra: I am Ra. The crusaders move in their chariots to conquer planetary mind/body/spirit social complexes before they reach the stage of achieving social memory.
11.17 Questioner: At what stage does a planet achieve social memory?
Ra: I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking.
The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then become[s] known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex.
The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness, and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking, for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society.
I was also shown visualizations of the merging of temporal realities known to many as the “Mandela Effect.” In this merging of realities, many major historical incidents that would have already happened to us have been “edited” out of our reality.
I was shown a vision of what looked like a wall of crystal rods that were slowly turning. As these crystals turned, a prism effect occurred in which I saw events instantly change. Moreover, the people in that new reality would have no memory of the previous one.
David pointed out that this was neatly mirrored in Isaiah 65:17, which reads, “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.”
This quote also suggests that once we reach “social memory,” our consciousness will change so dramatically that it will be almost impossible to imagine what it will be like.
I wondered if one day, after one of these mergers occurs, we will suddenly find ourselves in a reality where disclosure and the defeat of the current control structure on our planet has already occurred, and no one has memory of our current reality in which so much is being kept hidden from us.
The beings answered in the affirmative. They said this phenomenon is a major component of the shift we are going through right now. The quote from Isaiah further supports that something like this may actually happen from a scriptural standpoint.
Tear-Eir communicated to me that the co-creative consciousness of humanity was a major cause of what we are calling the “Mandela Effect.”
Raw-Tear-Eir then stated that those of us working on the optimal temporal reality need to focus more on positively influencing our mass consciousness instead of fostering our current belief systems or looking to validate them.
Personally, I was told that I need to focus less on the non-terrestrial and Secret Space Program, and more on educating and empowering people about the true nature of the collective co-creative consciousness that we all contribute to.
I communicated to Raw-Tear-Eir that I am not an expert on consciousness, nor am I qualified to teach consciousness or spirituality. The response was similar to what was communicated in the past.
Raw-Tear-Eir stated that in the near future, individuals with this type of educational background would be led into my inner circle. Since that time, I have begun networking with exactly these types of people.
We then went into a deep discussion about the spiritual and emotional states of individuals who are currently in my inner circle, as well as what changes I need to make within myself. This is always a humbling experience.
Some of this information closely mirrored what Ka-Aree had been communicating to me in recent months. Usually when we interface about these subjects it means the conversation is nearly over.
I was still curious about the metal spheres I saw when I first arrived. After some recent hasty endings to our meetings, I wanted to make sure I was able ask about what I had seen.
As usual, I didn’t even have to ask the question. Tear-Eir communicated that “Other members of the Confederation are now coming in to this system to be of assistance in the near future.”
In our most recent Gaia tapings where David discussed this with me, he speculated that these spheres may be used to help certain groups of people relocate to other worlds.
This is indicated in Session 10, Question 6 of the Law of One:
10.6 When there is a cycle change, those who must repeat then find a planetary sphere appropriate for this repetition.
There are also extensive discussions in the earlier sessions about how people who had evolved on Mars and on the “exploded planet” Maldek were transferred to Earth by the “Guardians.”
The method of transfer was never explained, but it seems likely that these giant spheres are of sufficient size and capability to house and transport millions of people as needed.
David shares multiple insider testimonies about Earth’s Moon being an ancient device of this sort in his new book The Ascension Mysteries – along with the evidence.
I was picked up by the blue sphere again and returned to my bedroom. I climbed back into bed and stared at the ceiling for a few hours, processing the experience.
No matter how many times I am brought to a blue sphere, I have the same integration and processing experience afterward.
I received a few communications from Ka-Aree over the next several weeks, mostly through what we have referred to as “the construct”.
This is an area that appears to be all white, in which all I see is the two of us talking to each other.
There was a slight change in how openly she communicated with me and how she looked at me after I shared an encounter I had while on vacation in Long Beach. She had previously warned me that I might receive contact from a group known as “The Banished.”
Ka-Aree had described how over the millennia, groups had been evicted from each of the inner-earth civilizations because they were interfering in human affairs in a way that was not customary or considered acceptable for these groups.
These former dwellers of the inner earth became “The Banished”, and now live on the surface among us. They blend in as much as possible, striving to attain places of power in human civilizations and living in enclaves all over the world.
The encounter I had with one of these Banished was in the last week of July in our hotel room while my family was sleeping.
When I communicated this event with Ka-Aree, she showed concern and seemed as though she was observing me more closely than usual.
Then, in the third week of September, I was suddenly transported to the same inner-earth domed temple complex where I had first met her.
Once again, I went through the embarrassing cleansing ceremony, where I had to take all of my clothes off and get into the white robe I was offered. I did not get a private room and was expected to undress right where we stood.
I was then brought into a room containing only a pedestal-like bed or slab. It looked as if it was molded out of the same material as the stone walls and floor.
To my surprise, Ka-Aree informed me that I had picked up entity attachments when the Banished female “connected” with me in the hotel room in Long Beach. She stated that she was going to clear the attachments and then requested I that lay down on the slab bed.
She then walked over to the wall and pulled out a large phallic-looking cylindrical crystal. This was reminiscent of the time she had prepared the Elixir of Isis during my first visit.
She rubbed her palm on the crystal and it began to make a noise similar to rubbing the rim of a glass to create tones. The closer she brought it to me, the more the sound emanating from the crystal intensified.
She began to wave the crystal slowly over my body from head to toe and then focused on my groin and chest area. The sound coming from the crystal became higher and higher in pitch.
Suddenly I saw the attachments leave me through my chest, head, and groin. Just like the last time I had “entity attachments” evicted, I saw dozens of shadowy-looking silhouettes of mostly heads and shoulders that were fleeing straight up and away from me.
I had gone through entity attachment removals prior to this, and was surprised that I had been “infected” again. I was also a bit perplexed as to why Ka-Aree had not removed them in our previous meetings.
When I inquired about this, she stated that the attachments had not yet anchored to one of my energy vortexes before then. I asked her to explain.
She stated that the entities needed to be anchored before the procedure, because the energy vortexes had to be stimulated by the Anshar (Ka-Aree’s clan) technology while the frequency of the crystal drove the entity out of my body.
This closed the portal the entity could use to attempt to reattach to me.
In another brilliant white flash, I was then sent back to my bed. I was very upset and disturbed that I had to go through this process, knowing that I had been purposely infected by the Banished as a way to gain information about the Anshar.
Over the next several weeks, I was picked up for a series of meetings on the Blue Sphere with Raw-Tear-Eir, Gonzales, and Micca. At the time I was so incredibly busy that I was not documenting these encounters, and looking back, they all seem to blend together.
This sudden increase in meetings, as well as their urgent content, was a sign that events may soon escalate to a point where they will be visible to the whole world.
From what I was hearing about recent negotiations between the Earth Alliance and these Secret Earth Syndicates, it sounded like quite a lot was beginning to occur on the financial and geopolitical fronts.
Events of this nature have already started happening since I first wrote this article, before it was fully edited and published. We can expect far more changes and surprises than what we are already seeing at this time.
One of these meetings occurred while I was in Sedona, Arizona, at a five-day class on preparing raw vegan foods. My wife and I were staying in a very nice bed-and-breakfast that a friend had provided for us.
The blue orb came into the room as it normally does. It then took me to the blue sphere, where I saw Raw-Tear-Eir and two other figures standing on either side of “him”.
Being picked up while I am traveling is extremely rare. I had expected some sort of communication from inner-earth groups while I was at Mt. Shasta, but nothing occurred on that trip.
I looked up at the cosmic scene I have described previously. The blue spheres looked even more translucent than last time, and the ripples on the surface of the closest spheres were much more violent.
I could still see the electrical corona around the Sun and what reminded me of bolts of static electricity cascading across the surfaces of the spheres. I noticed the same nine metallic spheres off in the distance that hadn’t appeared to have moved since I saw them last.
I then glanced down to see Tear-Eir, Ambassador Micca, and Gonzales standing right in front of me. Tear-Eir was a few feet closer than the others and greeted me in the normal fashion. When the communication began I was a little surprised at the topic.
Normally communications are of a personal nature for me, or information similar to what has been published in previous updates. This time the communication was about the increase in certain individuals who were making claims about the origins and actions of the Blue Avians.
I didn’t see the topic as being that significant, even though I had noticed an increase in this type of information on the internet.
Tear-Eir communicated that certain individuals were being manipulated to water down the Blue Avian message.
These people are for the most part not being malicious, nor do they see anything wrong with what they are doing. They simply feel that others are living in a mythical fantasy life, and don’t see a problem in doing the same thing.
Some of these individuals are simply trying to make the new information coming from the Blue Avians fit into their old paradigm or belief systems.
I was informed that I need to confront the issue in as loving a way as possible.
The full significance of the need for me to take these steps did not become obvious until I had a couple of meetings with Gonzales.
I then found out the true scope of the upcoming campaign to attempt to discredit anyone involved in disclosing information about the Secret Space Program.
I published a small article about the subject the next day, which received a fair amount of attention from those who follow this information. Tear-Eir then ended the conversation as I noticed Gonzales take a few steps closer to the both of us.
Gonzales greeted me with a huge smile and a single pump handshake. I have to admit I am still getting used to this new Gonzales. Part of me half-expects the old Gonzales to greet me when we meet.
Gonzales suddenly got a very serious look on his face and stated that he had a few things to discuss with me.
He, too, stated that there was an operation underway to water down the info we have disclosed, as well as to discredit me personally by flooding the internet with fake SSP insiders.
We have been approached multiple times in regards to people out there now claiming to have this level of insider knowledge.
Thus far none of them have passed even the most basic tests of credibility, other than certain classic names like Pete Peterson, Bob Dean, William Tompkins and Sgt. Clifford Stone.
The way we have been handling the alleged insiders with demonstrably false information has been to avoid mentioning them as much as possible.
Gonzales then stated that this has been done before, and this group’s goal was to “Super Soldier” the SSP topic.
I was very familiar with what he was talking about as I had seen what had happened after a number of super-soldier experiencers began to disclose this info to the general public.
Soon after those people came forward, many others began to claim that they, too, were super-soldiers – and started forming groups where they could share their “stories”.
Their goal is not only to water down the intelligence coming from the growing number of legitimate super-soldiers, but to discredit the topic by making bizarre claims and displaying behavior that would cause researchers to give up on the entire topic.
The people being manipulated to participate in this operation are mostly unaware that they are being used in this fashion.
Gonzales stated that I could expect more and more of this on the SSP subject, and that I should try to mitigate the damage if at all possible.
Once we had finished talking about the fake SSP whistleblower topic, we discussed a bit of the scope and objectives of the groups that are going to attempt to discredit SSP whistleblowers.
We moved on to discuss what was occurring in negotiations between the Earth Alliance and the various syndicates that make up what many of us now call the Cabal.
Gonzales then gave me a summary-type of briefing on what had recently occurred in Cabal meetings. It seems as though these groups are making some progress in how to transition into a new economy.
These groups had also recently agreed on moving forward with a partial disclosure that would roll out over 50 to 100 years.
They don’t agree on how to do a partial disclosure yet, but have started to inform members of lower secret space programs (Military Intelligence/DIA/NSA programs) that they will likely be revealing themselves to us in the near future.
Instead of the term “lower-level secret space programs” to describe these groups, we are now using the term MIC, for Military-Industrial Complex, to define these secret space programs (SSPs).
Although these groups are predominantly earth-based, and have been compartmentalized from having any knowledge of the SSP I experienced, they are not “lower” in any sense other than on the level of secrecy they are allowed access to.
The cover-up and compartmentalization is so effective that it is nearly impossible to explain to them that other, more advanced SSPs exist. It is akin to violating a deeply held religious belief.
For this same reason we do not choose to try to argue with people who believe the MIC SSPs are all we have.
We are simply putting out information that is the product of my personal experience and David’s cross-validation with multiple other insiders, most of whom have not come forward.
Some genuine insiders who have come forward have only shared very small amounts of what they truly know at this time.
Gonzales stated that all sides had agreed on a “Rolling Disclosure.”
These groups had decided there would very likely be a public uprising unless they disclosed this information to humanity in bite-sized pieces.
These groups had further decided that there would be a limited ET disclosure, which would include a race of humanlike beings that has worked very closely with various nations of the world for some time.
This group has decided that prior to any ET introductions, they will first disclose one of the MIC SSP’s. In fact the leadership of one of these secret space programs has been informed that they will be disclosed.
The program that these groups plan on disclosing is one that is controlled by the Air Force, the DIA and the NSA.
It consists of a number of unmanned as well as manned satellites. This will include at least two manned space stations that are only about 50 to 100 years more advanced than the ISS (International Space Station).
In order for this partial disclosure narrative to be successful, these groups have agreed that all other narratives must be squashed vigorously.
They must discredit those sharing their experiences and knowledge of the wider activities going on within our solar system.
If they attempt the partial disclosure narrative prior to this discrediting campaign, they would have people standing up asking “What about the slave trade? What about the negative non-terrestrials that have been reported to have controlled our planet?”
This group intends on discrediting SSP Whistleblowers to a point to where no one would even dare bring up their material in an official capacity during the planned disclosure narrative.
Gaia has done us a great service by producing more than 70 half-hour episodes of my testimony in the Cosmic Disclosure program, and you can see them all for yourself at for as little as 99 cents for the first month, with no cancellation fees or hidden charges.
Both the Cabal and Alliance groups – at least those based on earth – claim the partial disclosure narrative is the only responsible way to go. The real reason is that all of these groups have gotten their hands dirty while they have kept this cosmic secret.
Why would they suddenly want to do the responsible thing after countless years of repressing the truth?
The real reason they want to drag out disclosure over an extended period is that they have committed crimes against humanity.
Specific, damning information was pointed out that would affect everyone involved in the Alliance. This was the Cabal’s greatest trick in attempting to block the full data dumps from being released.
A prolonged exposure of the truth will allow many of the individuals involved to die before their crimes would ever be fully released. They would escape any possibility of prosecution for what they have done.
These two groups are also stuck in the negotiations for amnesty. The syndicate groups (cabal) want the same amnesty that was going to be offered to the lower-level participants in these projects.
They are demanding that either there is full clemency for all involved, or there should be no clemency for any of them.
These syndicates know there is no chance of them doing what the Nazis did in the Nuremberg trials after World War II.
This was where they left lower-level military officials to stand before The Hague and state “I was only following orders,” while the architects of these crimes escaped to the West and South America.
There is no precedent for an event of this magnitude taking place. It is difficult to even imagine how our society will respond when so many crimes are simultaneously disclosed.
Regardless of the agreements they try to make behind closed doors, the principles of democracy will likely still apply. The public will ultimately decide what they feel to be an acceptable response.
This type of democratic process cannot be stage-managed or anticipated in advance. Our focus, however, should be on an orderly and peaceful transition to a better, fairer world, and not on mass vigilante justice.
Many of these people will probably need to be held in safe areas regardless of what the public decides, since many private individuals will want to take them out.
Gonzales and I spoke about a few other topics that I need to keep quiet for now. I am able to mention that he confirmed that Donald Trump is indeed being backed by the Alliance.
Trump is certainly not entering into this battle free from his own baggage. He has said and done a variety of things that are upsetting to people.
He does not, however, represent a group that actively seeks to kill billions of people by starting World War III as soon as possible.
It has been quite astonishing to see the difference between what Trump is actually saying and how the controlled mainstream media interprets reality.
This has created a great deal of confusion and frustration in people who are only now starting to see how rigged “the system” really is.
A recent document leaked by “Anonymous” purports to be from the Clinton Foundation, revealing a staggering drop in support for Hillary throughout the month of October. This trend has undoubtedly greatly accelerated since the head of the FBI, James Comey, re-opened the criminal investigation against Hillary with new emails right before Halloween. The leaked document presented various potential solutions to this drop in support, including a mass distraction through the use of a fake alien invasion. Again, there is no precedent of any kind for election theatrics of this sort. It is a very highly bizarre situation no matter how you look at it, causing extreme tension worldwide.
It is almost impossible that Trump could win this election with the way the system is now set up, even if he receives well over 85 percent of the popular vote.
The Cabal will almost certainly try to hand the election to Hillary by rigged voting no matter what crimes are disclosed. It is very likely that social turbulence will then result.
This could include actions by the US military, as we will discuss.
The leaked Clinton Foundation document analyzed voting trends and found that only people with zero access to the alternative internet media were buying the lies the mainstream was feeding them and remaining Hillary supporters.
Trump’s brave outing of these crimes in the debates, followed by the FBI announcement, has forced the truth into the mainstream – so it is now undeniable to everyone.
This has led to surprising public declarations of collusion between Russia and the FBI – something that we have been revealing for years now as a key aspect of the Alliance.
Gonzales stated that there had been a shift recently after certain U.S. military leaders had expressed they would not stand for a stolen election or any violence to prevent an exchange of power.
The military has had patriotic “observers” following various federal agency groups that have been slowly preparing FEMA facilities across the nation.
As you are probably aware, these FEMA facilities are intended to be militarized areas in which large groups of people are detained – even if it is against their will.
Some of the military have also infiltrated these groups. They have been startled at the various scenarios that are being prepared for.
One of these plots was to have a false flag nuclear or EMP attack on the U.S. around election time to throw off the election. This type of a distraction could buy the establishment precious time.
The false-flag UFO invasion scenario in the Clinton Foundation leaked documents (if genuine) is just another of many such ideas that are being tossed around.
There are also plans for creating civil unrest and race riots in the streets just before, during and after the elections, depending on the results. This election is so contentious that either candidate’s victory could lead to these events occurring in various locations.
A number of other plots were uncovered. Together, this finally caused a significant percentage of the military to decide to stand against the Cabal openly.
I was given this intel and had written up this document, including the above sentence, before the FBI announcement was made. Printed copies were handed to several individuals at Gaia and we taped episodes based on this content during the week of October 16th.
There have been threats that the establishment would not allow Trump to be President, “even if they had to stab him on inauguration day”.
Recently a number of people in the military have made it known that if the elections or a peaceful transition are interfered with, there could be military intervention.
I was given the tally of those who would rise up in a coup d’ etat and those that would defend the establishment.
The numbers were a bit shocking. It was obvious that if a coup did occur, it would not be a bloodless one.
After we had finished our conversation, Gonzales shook my hand once more and then stepped back to where he was before we spoke.
I had been glancing at Micca throughout my conversation with Gonzales. He had such a loving, peaceful look on his face and within his demeanor that I couldn’t help but to stare.
Micca stepped forward and grabbed my hand and shook it in the exact same manner Gonzales had. He seemed pleased that he was participating in our culture in some way. I returned his infectious smile and greeted him in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator.
He lit up even more in appreciation of the greeting. He then put his arm inside my arm and guided me to walk with him.
He sensed that I was a little uncomfortable with his arm interlocked with my own. He slid his arm out and put it to his side as he continued walking.
He asked if I had been able to process all that he had shared last time we met.
I told him I did indeed spend a lot of time processing his previous release of information and had a number of questions. He smiled at me and said “there is plenty of time for questions.” I sensed that he wanted to focus on what he was there to discuss.
Micca stated that his people are beginning to reach out to humanity. He said that they are reaching out to us in dreams to prepare certain individuals for one-on-one contact with his people after we extricate ourselves from the current control system on our planet.
They hope to give these individuals training on how to defeat the Draco, and also how to help the rest of our citizens cope with all of the horrifying information that will be disclosed.
He went into a little more detail of why his people were first approaching humanity through dreams, as well as giving me a bit more of the history of what occurred on his planet.
This is where most of my questions for Micca were focused. He moved quickly from topic to topic as if he was under some sort of time constraint. I found that a little odd, since my meetings on the sphere in the past would last quite a long time in most cases.
As Micca and I were walking around and talking, I noticed he was winding down the conversation and leading us back to Tear-Eir and Gonzales.
I expected further communication or an opportunity to ask a few questions. Then, without warning a blue orb appeared behind them and zipped right in front of my chest.
It stayed motionless for a few moments before enveloping my body and whisking me back to where I was picked up in Sedona.
I was perplexed as to why this meeting seemed so rushed. I then sat at my computer and began work on the fake SSP whistleblower update. Then I laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling in thought.
Several days after my wife and I returned home to Dallas, I had my second encounter with the MIC SSP group that had picked me up and interrogated me previously.
At about 3 AM, I awoke to find myself walking down the alley behind my house.
I was automatically walking toward the parking lot of a sports stadium located directly behind my house. I noticed a spacecraft using the parking lot as a landing pad. Two airmen were standing outside the craft waiting for me.
This was the same type of craft I was picked up in the last time. It was similar in size and shape to the shuttle craft that Gonzales and I had flown in to do the Mars inspection.
It looked very stealth-like and had no wings, but did have what looked similar to a tail section on a conventional aircraft.
I was taken up a narrow and steep retractable ramp with stairs in the aft of the craft.
I was brought into the same room with the folding beds and chairs on the wall. I felt my heart beating heavily as I was placed in the same chair as the previous time. They locked the harness on my chest and walked out of the room without saying a word.
I then heard the familiar sound of charging capacitors and turbines as we lifted off.
Around 10 minutes later, the two airmen walked back into the room and began to organize items on a small stainless steel cart. This, as you can well imagine, caused me to feel an even greater level of panic.
As I was focused on what they were doing, another person came into the room. The two airmen snapped to attention.
All three of the men were wearing Air Force uniforms without any patches to indicate who they were. The last person to enter the room had white hair, a white goatee beard, and a very serious look on his face.
He sat in the chair next to me while the two airmen once again took hair and blood samples from me. After putting away the samples, they were told to leave the room.
The man who was obviously in charge addressed me by my first name. He began to ask random questions about the LOC and the status of the SSP Alliance.
This seemed to me like some sort of old school lie detector test. “You know,’ he said, “in the intelligence circles you are laughed at and ridiculed.”
He continued saying similar things as he was watching my facial expressions and eyes very closely. This also seemed like some sort of psychological or lie detector test.
I asked how I should address him and he looked at me as if I was an idiot. He said, “Just call me Sir.”
I asked him why I was being picked up again, and why he was so skeptical after the last time when I was tricked into outing three members of the SSP Alliance.
He stated he was here to repeat the process of gathering evidence and then keep the chain of custody of the evidence. He stated this was to rule out the possibility that the previous team had made a mistake or had tampered with the results.
He went on to say that he could not accept that I was telling the truth. The information I had provided was too far outside the scope of his briefings. He stated that it was possible that the SSP Alliance was merely a few people from his own program who had gone rogue.
One of the people I had originally identified was indeed in one of the programs he oversees. I had no idea what to say in reply as he sat there quietly looking at me as though he was staring into my soul.
The two airmen came back into the room with the same “Ipad” that they had used on me previously. They then put it in front of me and were about to flip through more photos when I closed my eyes as tightly as possible.
I could hear one of the airmen walking around and then a high-pitched motor-type sound. I began to feel sleepy and my head dropped.
Then I found my eyes open again. The other airman who was holding the tablet placed it on my lap and started flipping through photos. The same three individuals I had identified before were in the group of photos, and once again my eye reaction gave them away.
I was very anxious because of all of the problems that had occurred the last time they picked me up. I wondered why the SSP Alliance was allowing this to happen.
Once they were done, they turned off the device that had affected my conscious state.
When I looked up, the person in charge was no longer in the room. I hadn’t noticed him leave and wondered what else had occurred that I didn’t remember.
The two airmen told me to come with them through a door. We went through what looked like an equipment storage room, with cargo netting on the walls and ceiling, and then to the ramp back down to the parking lot.
I was not happy with the way I had been treated. I decided to hold my head high and put on an air of confidence. That didn’t last long. As I was walking down the steep ramp, my knee buckled, causing me to nearly fall eight feet to the concrete below.
The airmen behind me grabbed me by my elbow to keep me from falling. In the process, I further twisted my knee and pulled a muscle in my back.
The two airmen became very upset and were discussing whether to bring me back up into the craft or to help me to my home. They were worried about being reprimanded for me being injured in their custody while under the command of a high-ranking superior.
I said “If I have a vote, I would prefer to go home.” They looked at each other, then back up the ramp, and nodded to indicate they were going to help me the rest of the way.
The two airmen assisted me back to the fence and into my backyard. They were about to help me all the way into my house when I became concerned about my family’s safety.
I told them I would hobble to the couch and stay there for the rest of the night and they could leave. They turned around and jogged out of my sight.
Even before I could lean back and get comfortable on the couch, a blue orb zipped into the room at such a high rate of speed it was almost a blur.
I didn’t even have a chance to get up and indicate I was ready for transport when the sphere swooped in front of me and picked me up without slowing down. Needless to say, I was caught completely off guard by this rapid pick-up.
I then found myself standing before Gonzales and four members of the Mayan breakaway group, inside one of their giant stone cylinder motherships. These ships are several miles long and look as if they were somehow laser-cut from the inside of a mountain and placed in space.
There were no windows, and a small number of what looked like open bays for smaller craft to fly in and out of. It had no markings and showed no signs of technology, as we would know it, on board.
It may have even been the one I had visited before, because the room seemed very familiar.
Gonzales asked if I was okay. I was in quite a lot of pain and it was obvious by the look on my face. One of the Mayans reached over and waved three fingers over a plain stone block that was levitating close by.
The pain immediately stopped, and I was able to focus more on the current situation. I asked Gonzales why they hadn’t come and picked me up before the other craft arrived.
He didn’t answer me. Instead, he held up a black spherical stone about the size of a tennis ball. He raised the stone that was in the palm of his hand to my forehead and began moving it around as if he was scanning for something.
As he scanned my forehead with this device, he shook off a concerned look that came across his face and answered my question. “Everything occurred according to plan.”
I asked what plan he was referring to, and why wasn’t I in on it. He said he couldn’t go into the details and to please trust him for a little longer. He would soon let me in on whatever the agenda for this plan was.
It is possible that my interrogation was a means through which valuable intel is making its way into the MIC SSP groups, in order to help them understand that other SSPs actually do exist.
The white-haired man in charge seemed so baffled by my claims that he wanted to make absolutely sure the proof was there – and oversaw the whole process.
Gonzales asked if I had been feeling weird or having issues with my memory in recent months.
I wondered if his question was in response to the scan and that concerned look on his face. I said, “Yes, actually I have had more trouble recalling certain experiences… Why?”
He looked at me, forced a smile, and said “I’m surprised you can remember your children’s names with all the times you’ve been blank-slated.”
He said a certain amount of memory loss is expected after being blank-slated so many times, and also from being exposed to the extremely powerful magnetic fields emanating from the “Torsion Drive” on the research vessel I was assigned to.
He also stated that many who have served aboard these vessels end up with neurological issues and even early-onset dementia. I shook my head and said, “Great, more side effects from these projects.”
His previous comment about not remembering my children’s names suddenly struck me in a personal way. The thought of forgetting my family caused me nearly to panic. From the look on Gonzales’ face, he could tell I was shaken from our conversation.
Gonzales then changed the subject and began to talk about recent covert military and intelligence activities they were monitoring. One monitored group was planning a nuclear false flag attack against the United States.
This would be a pretext used to begin World War III as a way to delay the demise of the Cabal, who are trying to make these attacks happen.
I asked if this was going to be prevented. He looked at me and paused before saying “I am no longer in a position to act, but we are feeding this intelligence back to the SSP Alliance.”
It seems very likely that any and all attempts to create nuclear attacks will be stopped, as they have consistently been all along since Hiroshima and Nagasaki were authorized to show us the depth of damage that these events would cause.
Potentially thousands of different plots have already been successfully nullified, and it is amazing to hear how much the Cabal continues trying to make this happen.
Gonzales also mentioned that we should begin to see Alliance countries calling their citizens abroad back home, and further saber-rattling between the West and the East. This would all be manufactured conflict, according to Gonzales.
He stated that these are the last minute, desperate acts of some of the Cabal crime syndicates that were trying to prolong or destroy negotiations with the Earth Alliance.
It appears, he said, that final negotiations are close to being agreed upon by the Alliance and these syndicates. If this is true, then we should see some signs of progress very shortly.
We should see more signs of the establishment losing control and their crimes being exposed by Alliance assets as this all unfolds.
Again, this section was written before Comey announced his re-opening of the criminal investigation of the Clinton emails. What happens next is anyone’s guess but we do have good intel and compelling clues.
Gonzales also reminded me of what he had said before about the MIC SSP that was about to be revealed. He said that we should keep “our eyes peeled” for unconventional aircraft in the skies.
These craft are going to be flown over populated areas in an effort to disclose their existence, much like the way we were introduced to the stealth fighter and bomber.
We should see an increase in reports of delta and oval-shaped craft, as well as white orbs that are the electrical coronas surrounding these craft as they perform certain phases of their operation.
These will be seen more and more. It will all lead up to an announcement of a secret space program that has space stations in orbit, which are being serviced by the craft that people are seeing in the skies.
I told him I would make a post on this topic and have people keep their “eyes peeled,” as he had suggested.
Without warning he then said, “Okay, let’s get you back home,” and began to walk over to the four Mayans who had remained completely quiet.
I said, “Wait a minute. Aren’t you forgetting something?” He looked at me and I pointed at my knee.
I was already standing with most of my weight on one foot. The pain was still gone, but my knee was still weak and my back muscle felt tight.
He said, “I’m sorry, but we can’t help you on this one. It should clear up in a few days.”
I wrinkled my forehead in a bit of confusion and was going to protest when a blue orb appeared. This time it stopped in front of my chest and waited for me to indicate I was ready.
Gonzales was already walking away from me, so I gave the indication that I was ready to go home.
I arrived back in the living room next to the couch and felt the pain return to my knee and back immediately.
Exhausted, I went to sleep, and over the next few days, just as Gonzales had said, I was doing much better.
What we are now seeing in the election is unprecedented in history. Regardless of the outcome, this is causing people to awaken at a much-faster rate.
The idea of a respectable Establishment has never been more laughed at and disregarded.
If Hillary were able to steal the election, she might be able to temporarily gain the “hard power” of compliant aspects of the military, but would lose the “soft power” of the consent of the people almost immediately.
Plus, these events also appear to be catalyzing the military aspects of the Alliance to finally be ready to act.
It is possible that some disruptions may occur, so now is a good time to stock up on basic food and water supplies if you haven’t already done so.
In the greater sense, the degree to which we can remain calm, centered and positive as these changes continue is the degree to which we are helping to authorize the Optimal Temporal Reality.
The Sphere Beings have often said that old wounds and pain points will re-emerge as we go through these changes.
We can either work through these blockages and come to a greater level of love and acceptance of ourselves and others, or we can allow old patterns to flare up and ensure that further karma will result.
These actions will effect not only our personal lives, but the timeline of Earth as a whole in this process.
For this same reason, nothing can be more important than to cultivate a loving, forgiving and peaceful attitude as we go through this, regardless of the temptations to get angry, reactive, resentful and frightened.
We thank you for your ongoing support of this work. None of us are getting rich on this and we have put our lives on the line to fight for a better future for everyone.