Latest Intel and Update
This year has been an extremely eventful one in regards to the meetings and changing dynamics between the various parties of the SSP Alliance, Anshar, SBA and myself.

This year has been an extremely eventful one in regards to the meetings and changing dynamics between the various parties of the SSP Alliance, Anshar, SBA and myself. A larger update is under development right now, though I am being pushed to put out a very basic summary in the meantime. I am going to barely touch on these topics and then go much deeper into them in the coming days. I had a meeting yesterday morning and again this morning with both the Anshar and Raw-Tear-Eir. I will include a little of the most recent information below, but the majority will be released shortly.
Corey Goode
(Check back here for updates)
Update bullet points
- Reports came in for approximately 6 weeks detailing “huge spherical craft” in geostationary orbit above the continent of Antarctica. These reports came from 5 different sources and described the spheres as being huge, metallic, shiny with one row of portholes going around the sphere. One speculated that these craft were of Russian origin.
- Reports came in for approximately 6 months that high level syndicate groups were moving huge amounts of personal items and supplies to South American underground bases most noted in Brazil. More recent reports stated actual family members and high ranking syndicate members were pouring into these underground bases like ants before a storm. Gonzales later confirmed that these people and supplies were in many cases being transported to Antarctica via “Black Submarines” that were “EM Driven” and the “size of container ships”. The water filled subterranean rift systems are so incredibly enormous that they have no trouble on their journey. Furthermore, the reports stated that the rift caverns had been modified into massive arched tunnels in ancient times.
- Military abductions conducted by operatives of one or more unacknowledged programs occur. Chemical interrogation tactics are implemented. Body fluid and hair samples were taken, words and phrases were read off of a tablet to attempt to ascertain if I was a current asset of a known UNSAP. A tablet with a camera was held in front of my face and academy type military photos were shown to me. The camera monitored my eyes and marked a photograph when it was detected that I recognized the person. This incident caused the outing of 3 high ranking SSP Alliance individuals and caused a further rift between myself, Gonzales and the SSP Alliance. Because of the chemical interrogation and the attempted blank slating of my memories of the incidents, I didn’t remember the full details until I was informed later of the security breach.
- Gonzales had been staying with the Anshar for weeks with no explanation. I was receiving briefings from both Gonzales and Kaaree during this timeframe. One of these briefings included information about a couple of recent trips that Gonzales and Kaaree made to an “Outpost” of working “Ancient Builder Race” technology below the surface of Venus. Gonzales was turned away by the beings that inhabited that outpost. They then traveled to a temporal anomaly and embassy type space station in the vicinity of Saturn that I had attended Super Federation meetings at in the vicinity of Jupiter. There were no craft or occupants on this station other than the same beings encountered at the Venus outpost. Gonzales was turned away from there too. Later Kaaree informed me that Gonzales had worked to make sure I was disinvited from these two trips. It was soon after this that I found out that Gonzales was one of the 3 people that was revealed during my chemical interrogation.
- I was then completely out of communication with Gonzales for weeks after finding out about his identity being outed in my interrogation. Even though I was chemically interrogated and technology used eye muscles to identify who I recognized among the dozens of photographs, Gonzales was still upset at me. In one of our most recent meetings he would barely make eye contact with me. I had been delivered to the same base (By Kaaree’s vessel) where the recent meeting occurred between the Anshar and the Guardians.
- One of the most interesting things that came out of this briefing was that there had recently been reports of 6 large cruisers (Teardrop Shaped) were in the process of leaving the atmosphere after breaking the surface of the ocean near the coast of Antarctica. Dozens of “Unknown Chevron Craft” swarmed these cruisers and attacked them causing massive and shocking damage. The cruisers broke off their attempts to leave orbit returning to below the surface of the ocean where they came from.
- There has been a major uptick in conflicts just outside and within our atmosphere between craft of various groups that have involved the shoot down of a number of craft.
- Gonzales reported dozens of underground/ocean conflicts that have involved the use of exotic weapons as well as an uptick in the use of weather modification weapons by both the various syndicates and elements of the Earth Alliance.
- Kaaree informed me that Gonzales had informed her that the Anshar request for a meeting over requested ratifications to a treaty that was agreed to by all of the major ET players in the Solar System including those we would consider negative. This meeting is said to be occurring imminently.
- Kaaree takes me to visit the Working Ancient Builder Race Outpost on Venus. We arrive and are met by a giant, long narrow craft that had a blast shield over the windows of what would be the bridge of their craft. We sat there for about 20 minutes before Kaaree told me we had been turned back. As I looked I could see several other of these large narrow craft around Venus with their noses pointed down toward the surface and the rear of the vessels pointing away from the planet into space. While waiting Kaaree and I spoke about a few individuals as well as how concerned the Anshar are with people actively reaching out for them mentally yet receiving contact from other beings. The reason the Anshar requested the meeting to make changed to the treaty is that they were considering a more active role with the surface populations. They are keeping an eye on the highly programmed nature of humanity and our response to knowing the Anshar exist. They have been troubled by some of the signs they have seen and some of their group has raised these concerns in their recent council meetings.