The Amazing Story Continues (Part3)

Transcript: Rense Radio Interview with William Tompkins with Maj. George Filer & Frank Chille: The Amazing Story Continues – May 13, 2016

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(start at 01:24)

Jeff Rense: Okay. Here we go, hour number 3, and we're going to go back into our amazing story by Mr. William Tompkins. Bill has been with us three or four times at least now. And he has lived a life that few would ever be able to duplicate. In fact, you can't duplicate it now, through the history of the '40s, '50s, '60s, '70s and he's still at it. And he's in his early 90s and he's as sharp as the proverbial tack, and has incredible knowledge about lots of things that we aren't suppose to know about.

So let's first say, “Hi” and thanks to Frank Chille for helping putting this together again. Thank you, Frank. Welcome back. How are you?

Frank Chille: Really good, Jeff. Thank you for the opportunity and it's another good night for revelations.

Rense: Oh, yeah. Indeed. Maj. Filer, sir, are you there?

Maj. George Filer: I'm here.

Rense: George Filer, the Director of the Mutual UFO Network Eastern, who is on with us once a month and sometimes more than that. He is the editor of Filer's Files, the world's premier UFO research publication. It's an extraordinary thing. You can get free to your electronic mailbox. Just ask for it. Write to George at MajorStar at and ask.

Okay, what we're going to do tonight is another visit with Bill Tompkins. We just have an hour, so I want to kind of get to it quickly, but George, where are we and what have we learned in your view so far from Bill Tompkins? It's quite a story.

Filer: Well, Bill has worked for the many aviation companies and he's been a designer of battle groups that actually operate outside our Earth. And that's satisfying but I've just watched Star Wars and it turns out that a lot that's in Star Wars is more truth than people realize. And Bill helped develop those craft that are operating in space and actually protecting us in many ways.

Rense: Very good. All right. Frank, you're a long time researcher. Frank Chille is extremely well respected in the field, knows just about everybody. Bill Tompkins is unique to put it mildly.

Chille: Jeff, I have to tell you that I never thought in my life that I'd ever meet somebody with the background of Bill Tompkins who's pulled the curtain back as wide as he can and we've still just scratched the surface of what he wants to share with us.

Rense: Very good. All right. Let's go right to Bill on that note. Hello, Bill. Welcome.

William Tompkins: So, I'm right here raring to go.

Rense: All right.

Tompkins: And you've got to slow those other two gentlemen down because it's not all that __. Okay?

Rense: Ha, ha. All right. Now, here we go with Bill Tompkins, and you can hear the earlier visits with Bill in the Archives. They are quite extraordinary. They are probably other places you can find two on the Internet. Everything's out there now. So we're going to talk about what the interesting things in the Mojave Desert? What do you want to talk about, Bill?

Tompkins: Well, I'd sort of like to back off a little and go back to how we started this thing.

Rense: Okay.

Tompkins: And I've got a lot of detail that I think would be interesting for the people in the audience here. I'd like to go back to 1942 and my so-called position, I guess, which was in Naval Air Station, San Diego. I had just gone through boot camp, and I was a third-class seaman. For whatever reason, in the book, “Selected by Extraterrestrials”, I actually replaced a Full Commander. Okay?

That story is a whole long story, but I was then brought in as staff to Admiral Rikibana. And Admiral Rikibana was Commander of Naval Air Station, San Diego. And then he had a hobby.

And I want to correct another thing. We talked before about naval intelligence. And I just want to say that Admiral Rikibana's hobby was way above Naval Intelligence. Okay? And what he was doing, he had 29 Navy Lieutenants who were operatives, spies, in Germany in 1940 and '41 and '42. And these fellas were being astounded in Germany because they found out that Hitler and the SS had signed some sort of agreements with Reptilian extraterrestrials, whereby the Reptilians would give UFOs and some different . . . 14 different types of vehicles, dozens of different types of weapons and even extended life to the SS.

So this information was then being implemented by the SS, and they were not having to look at parts of UFOs like we had to later on to figure out how to make one. They were given them. Yes, they did build some of themselves, but essentially most of all the documentation from way out in the galaxy of people who out there knew far more about space, extraterrestrial vehicles and the whole ball of wax than we did.

So then what we were suppose to do is to listen to what these Navy operatives did when they came back from Germany. And they presented this information to Admiral Rikibana, one of the three captains that I worked for, and the typist and myself.

And so we would get up at 1:00 in the morning and I'd get tapped on the shoulder in my bunk and I knew who it was. And all the Admiral's aide said is, “He's here.” So I'd throw my clothes on. He escorts me over to the Admiral's tower. You can see it if you're over in San Diego and look across towards North Island and behind the carrier. It's a tower – way up high. And in that top tower is a small conference room, and this is where these operatives explained to us all the things that the Germans were doing.

Rense: That's where that took place, all those meetings, all the debriefings. That's amazing to think about. They'd rotate these young men in and out of Germany. How they did it, I don't know, but in war time amazing things go on. And they came to report in the top of that tower. Wow! Go ahead.

Tompkins: It's . . . Yeah, it's crazy, actually. And so after the typist would come up with copies of all the different things each one of them would report, I and several other people would disseminate this data, put it into packages which were proposals. And then I was instructed to fly in the Admiral's airplane, which is a high-wing single engine job for coastal flights out here, and/or a twin-engine Lockheed, if we had to go back East.

And I would take these packages, or proposals, to every top-secret university in the country, to every top military organization, primarily Naval and Naval research in the country. And I would explain the packages to the top people in those locations. And actually these were proposals to them.

And it's interesting that not one piece of paper in the packages had any type of security stamp on it. Nothing said 'secret' or 'confidential'. Everybody knew what it was. And as I said before, Admiral Rikibana was way, way, way above Naval intelligence secret programs.

Rense: Got it.

Tompkins: So what we did then is I would explain that particular proposal to the university or to different Navy laboratories, and it was then their responsibility to take that and develop a copy of it, come up with the requirements to essentially design this particular part of the UFO, whether it was propulsion or controls or communication, whatever it was.

Each one of these organizations, even like Caltech, JPL, Lockheed, Northrop, all of these people took packages. Douglas, all of them took these packages and started to investigate these and try to come up and duplicate what it was that the Germans . . . what the operatives had found out about what the Germans were doing.

And so what took place then was that in many situations this information would be partially correct, and one of the operatives would come back and he'd be apologizing all over the place to the Admiral and saying, “Well, what I thought it was so and so, but actually I found out it's totally different.”

And so continuous corrections and new information was brought back and I disseminated this data for four years. And it didn't stop for the entire time that I was in the Navy.

This is essentially a seeding of extraterrestrial vehicles, equipment, hardware, whatever you want to call it, into the top levels in industry and in the military here in the United States.

Rense: Right.

Tompkins: And you name any organization that's involved in bio-medical research or space and I took them the package. I would have to explain it and I'd have to brief the organizations. And like with Douglas, I briefed originally the Douglas people in El Segundo. And that's actually where Jack Northrop was working at the time. I didn't brief him personally, but this was before he actually separated from Douglas in El Segundo and built his own Northrop company in that area.

Later, I briefed the top Douglas people who had an organization they had started to investigate extraterrestrials. And 8, 10, 12 years later I went to work for that same organization in Douglas as a concept designer. And I actually found a couple of the packages that I had taken to them like 12 years earlier. It's crazy.

Rense: During the war.

Tompkins: During the war. So now the war was over and I went to work for Lockheed for a short period of time and then over to Douglas. Actually, I went to work for Northrop for two years, and then Lockheed and then Douglas. And then several years later, after I'd spent 12 years at Douglas, in this secret think tank, I went to work in the Skunkworks in Lockheed. And then I went to work for the top Navy organization which was implementing Lockheed into ASUW where we found that extraterrestrials were building facilities on the bottom of the ocean and the lakes here on the planet and were actually in underground facilities underneath the oceans.

Rense: They've been here a long time.

Tompkins: Yes, sir.

Rense: Now, you worked at . . . One quick question. You worked at the Skunkworks. Were you there when Kelly was there?

Tompkins: This was before that.

Rense: Okay.

Tompkins: It's interesting that the Vice President of Engineering at Douglas, who essentially was responsible for the secret think tank in Douglas, he had continuous problems with corporate management at Douglas, which was run by manufacturing. They didn't even want engineering on regular secret programs.

Rense: There were building airplanes. Yeah.

Tompkins: Yeah, they didn't want this. So he was extremely upset with this. And after I got fired from Douglas 12 and half years later after I went there, he quit and took over the Skunkworks at Lockheed. And I think this is really interesting how all of this stuff and these people fall together for a maximum effort to try to define what the situational threats were, who was helping us and who was hurting us.

Rense: That's amazing. Now the years at Douglas, Bill, what years were those, approximately?

Tompkins: Okay, that started in '51 and it ended in '63. That's an interesting thing too, because the secretary that I had was not accepting that she was an extraterrestrial, but she was. She was a Nordic. And she helped me a great deal in implementing what we had to do with NASA.

Rense: Yeah, now you're working, interfacing with NASA which is basically a German scientific genius brought over here in Paperclip after the war. This secretary . . . Did she ever in any way let on to you that she was unique? Is there anything about her that kind of gave you a hint or were you just observing?

Tompkins: The easiest way to answer your question, really, is that for the 3½ years that she worked for me . . . and that was on the Apollo program. I was engineering section chief. I had the largest number of engineers working on both the vehicle and the launch control and command center. I did all three. Okay? I redesigned all three to make them work for the Apollo.

Rense: Wow!

Tompkins: My engineers then put together a package and I took that to NASA who at that time was being headed by von Braun and Dr. Debus. And I presented to them (what action to take) and all these changes.

Rense: Debus was a wizard and many of them were. Yeah, absolutely brilliant - that whole German cadre. And not to belabor this, but my father was the Director of Public Relations for Douglas when you were there. And he used to go to the Cape for the launches, Vandenberg for launches. And he never talked much about to me, but he was clearly in a position to know a lot of things - a public relations director for the whole corporation.

Tompkins: He certainly would.

Rense: Yeah. Anyway, go ahead, please, because this is all very interesting to me. Fascinating.

Tompkins: Well, a part of this comes back to what you just brought up, Paperclip, because it wasn't just 16 or 20 top German scientists who were brought back. There were hundreds and hundreds of them.

Rense: Yeah.

Tompkins: These scientists and engineers and designers implemented into all of aerospace and advanced biomedical. And it's extremely interesting that they continued to utilize their original missions to go out in the stars, which is to first of all build large space vehicles and go to Germany, or go to the moon. And so when that didn't happen, they were then confiscated and after the war was over they were brought to the United States as Paperclip and then dispersed out through all these companies like Lockheed and Boeing and Northrop and Douglas and all these other places, and implemented the original German SS program to go to the moon, which was then the Apollo. It's crazy.

Rense: They just renamed it and kept right on going.

Tompkins: Exactly. And unfortunately to us, that situation still exists. And so your CIA is nothing but a German SS investigating group, like the FBI is here.

Rense: Uh-huh.

Tompkins: Except they took over the FBI's responsibility and initiated the original German missions. It's crazy. Actually, unreal.

Rense: It's fascinating. That was the big trade-off at the end of the war. We allowed thousands of Germans and their families to go to Argentina, South America, primarily Argentina, including Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun. They went. They lived out their lives and we believe that Eva Braun actually only died maybe six or eight yeas ago. She lived to be quite old. Its a whole other story.

This whole thing . . . What we think of as history, Bill, must kind of make you laugh sometimes, because of what you know and what you've actually contributed to it. What you've done.

Tompkins: Well, absolutely, you're correct, and what it seems so hard for us to accept that we've had disinformation given to us. This is really crazy.

Rense: Well, the majority of it is disinformation. Let's be honest. It just is.

Tompkins: It is and it actually . . . This is the reason some of the PhDs have top technical positions, but have such a difficult time to accept the whole extraterrestrial situation. It's hard for them, because they just don't believe it. They've been taught that way.

Rense: Yeah, in the scientific community there is a bedrock layer of resistance to it. They're still thinking, “Well, they can't get from there to here because the speed of light is necessary,” and all that stuff. They just don't want to go there. But that's the way it is. Hold on just a minute. We'll come right back with Bill Tompkins, Frank Chille and George Filer.

(23:15~24:07 - BREAK)

Rense: Okay, here we are. Let's get right back to Mr. Bill Tompkins. Frank Chille and George Filer standing by. Frank, anything you want to pop in here with right quick?

Chille: Yes, Jeff. I'd like to offer this to you and to your audience. I think a synopsis of what Bill's trying to say, and I believe he's very humble, but I think what he's trying to say is that these seeding operations that he did with these packages to these aerospace companies and other corporations around the country were individual facets of what he was able to visualize with the Solar Warden program that ultimately came into being. I think he's too humble to say that, but I think he envisioned what the total effect would be once all these different facets were brought together.

Rense: Very good. George?

Filer: One thing I wanted to mention is that a friend of mine knew Donald Douglas.

Rense: Uh-huh. Jr. or Sr.?

Filer: Sr. And he told me that Douglas was very interested in UFOs and, you know, the whole situation they apparently had and this backup information that . . . In other words it makes Bill's story credible. The fact is that the higher ups certainly knew about the situation.

Rense: Yeah.

Filer: And believed in it, where most of us, you know, always have a question, “Does it really happen?” etc. You know we have this believability factor that this all goes on. But I think most people, certainly your listeners, are coming to the belief that this is all true.

Rense: Very good. Okay. Bill, back to you. Let's carry on with the narrative here. You've got quite a resume as they say.

Tompkins: Well, let's go back to Douglas, because I think what he was saying there is really interesting. And we're talking about Douglas, Sr., because Jr. was . . . he wasn't all that great. But it's interesting how Douglas got into this whole thing, because in February '42, actually just before I went into the Navy, we had the Los Angeles Event, where publicly there was maybe six or eight UFOs came in over Long Beach, San Pedro, Santa Monica and San Diego, and flew around for quite a while and then left. Okay?

That particular situation was where I was . . . We had moved to San Diego, my dad, my brother and I, and we lived in a converted apartment, which was four blocks from the ocean. And there was an old __ that was converted, so actually the second floor was almost another floor above like almost the third floor. And this house had a large balcony all across the back of it which faced the beach. We couldn't see the beach, because there were other buildings between us and the coast there.

But my dad called my brother and I about 8:00 p.m. in the evening and said, “Get out here. I want to show you something.” So we got out on that deck and here was a small ball of light just above what we would have as the horizon because of all the trees and other buildings that were between us and the coast.

Rense: Right.

Tompkins: But it's only four blocks. And so we couldn't see the water, but there was this light there. And the light then had another little beam that came on that came down about 35° to the south, I guess towards the water of the ocean, because we couldn't tell how far out it was.

Rense: Right.

Tompkins: But as we're looking at it for, I would say, maybe three or four minutes, that little light that was off towards the ocean - facing down towards the ocean – looked straight at us. And the light was blinding. It lit up all the trees around us, the back side of all the houses, everything. And it was blinding. And the light went out and that was it.

And then around . . . later on, we went to bed. And around 12:30 a.m the anti-aircraft guns all went off. And this was the big Long Beach sighting. The interesting . . .

Rense: Huh. So you . . . go ahead.

Tompkins: The interesting thing about this is the Secretary of the Navy Forrestal, and a couple of admirals, and a couple of generals, were all here in the Los Angeles area, including Douglas, Sr. And Douglas, Sr. was in the meeting, __ of meetings, with this group of Army generals, Navy admirals, on a whole series of programs, none of which were related to extraterrestrials. They came outside of their facilities, the meetings that were taking place, and watched this event until 5:30 in the morning.

Rense: Huh.

Tompkins: So Douglas, Sr. personally put together an organization himself of these people – the admirals, the generals, and several other aerospace executives. And he formed an organization to study extraterrestrials.

Rense: Wow!

Tompkins: He also put together a program to have inside of Douglas secret engineering a way-above top-secret think tank inside of Douglas Engineering. Douglas, Sr. started these investigations on extraterrestrials from the sightings of possibly 200 UFOs that continued to come in over Southern California of which over a half a million people watched this – many of them all night long. It got boring and we went back to bed around 3:00 a.m. believe it or not.

Rense: Amazing.

Tompkins: Many of our neighbors stayed out all night watching it.

Rense: Uh-huh.

Tompkins: But Douglas, Sr. put this together. I think it's very important.

Rense: Yeah. My dad used to talk about the old man and, you know, Jr. and the whole . . . I'd hear little pieces here and there. Very interesting stuff. Now you mentioned Northrop, and I don't want to spend a lot of time on this, but many of you remember The Flying Wing – The Northrop Flying Wing – one of the most successful, aerodynamic designs of that era, maybe the most. It was so advanced. It was prop driven, reverse-direction propellers on the wings. It was just a wing.

The Flying Wing
The Flying Wing

And there were, I think, a couple of small vertical stabilizers, but that was it. This had to come from the Horten brothers in Germany. This was a German design taken up to a larger scale. And then they put jet engines in it, and Northrop was ready to build a fleet of these things for the Air Force and the government said, “No”. And then the Northrop employees said, “We'll do it at our cost. We'll work for free.” They loved that airplane.

They believed in that airplane so much, and the government said, “Nope”. And all the remaining Flying Wings at Northrop, I believe, were cut up and scrapped. They wanted this whole technology to go black. And it did. And it was German technology originally - that whole design. The Horton brothers.

Tompkins: I was working for Northrop at that time.

Rense: Am I correct with what I said, Bill?

Tompkins: Absolutely. You're absolutely correct. And actually I got my pilot's license in the Navy, but I hadn't had a civilian license, so my brother and I were taking our school to learn how to fly an airplane and I knew how to do that. And so we would take off from the airport there on Saturdays and Sundays and fly all around and Northrop had 12 of these B-49, the Flying Wings, the jet-version, lined out next to a hangar facing the runway. And that story goes further in that . . .

Rense: What a site that must have been. You saw this from the air?

Tompkins: Yeah. You could see them all lined up and I have photographs that I took of them before they were destroyed.

Rense: Wow!

Tompkins: And we came to work one day and they had all been burned up in that same place. And I actually went out and looked at the wreckage.

Rense: How sad.

Tompkins: It was terrible. The Army Air Force, Army at that time, had a contract to go to Convair for the B-36. And it was to be the bomber for U.S. Air Force.

Rense: Strategic Air Command bomber, yeah.

Tompkins: Yeah. But you're absolutely correct. This was all political. And the B-49 could fly to any target from the other side of the planet and come back without refueling.

Rense: Wow!

Tompkins: It was subsonic, but it could out fly any other airplane here. And Max Stanley, the chief test pilot . . . Actually I knew him, because after I went to work in the wind tunnel, I was immediately transferred into a secret group at Northrop. This was before Douglas. And we were designing airplanes that had no wings – believe this or not, the opposite of what The Flying Wing was.

Rense: Huh.

Tompkins: So there were . . . We had a contract to build a large fighter, and the flight test group, which was right next to where I was working in the lab, would take off and fly to Amarillo, Texas at night with two of these fighters. Max Stanley would be in one, our chief test pilot, and then the other one had this new navigation system on it and they would try it and take all the photographs of it.

We had two UFOs that came in and flew both around Max Stanley's fighter and the one that he was photographing. So the photographs, all 35mm, showed up because we were photographing the other airplane and it's maneuvering. So the UFOs actually flew around both the two airplanes, top to bottom, left to right, and all that was photographed.

And so we viewed the photography of the flight-test group. And so they were already into extraterrestrial vehicles at Northrop. It's amazing what took place.

Rense: That's fascinating.

Tompkins: Again, that hasn't been published.

Rense: Huh. No, I've never heard of it. That's remarkable. Going with the B-36 instead of the B-49 – a big mistake. All politics.

Tompkins: All politics.

Rense: But I think they wanted that technology . . . They wanted that technology hidden away, I think, for pretty obvious reasons. So anyway, there we are. That's a remarkable story about Northrop. Jack Northrop must have been broken hearted.

Tompkins: He was, yes.

Rense: If you want to see the B-49 Flying Wing, with it's jet conversion as a jet-powered aircraft, get The War of the Worlds, 1954, with Gene Barry, and I forgot the woman's name. And in the end of this film, they drop an atomic bomb on the Martians. And it's dropped by a B-49. And they have the most amazing color film of this glorious airplane flying in 1954 before they were all destroyed by the government. Think about that.

Chille: It looked like special effects, but it wasn't.

Tompkins: Yeah, it looked like special effects, right? I think you're right. It was the real deal.

Chille: It was the real deal.

Filer: One thing I wanted to say is I was interested in The Flying Wing, and I asked people in the Air Force why the Air Force didn't get it. They claim that it wasn't stable during the bomb run. And that was the big reason why it was canceled. I have no idea if that is true or not, but that's what I was told.

Tompkins: Well, unfortunately, that was not true. That airplane . . . There's two chapters in my book, “Selected by Extraterrestrials”, on this situation that I've just discussed. And I go into detail about what they actually did and the flight testing of that airplane out at Edwards. It was a far more stable platform than the B-36 or any other bombers. It was fantastic for bombing runs.

Rense: Right.

Tompkins: And it had twice the speed of the B-36 6-engine bombers. There was no comparison. It was years ahead of anything else on the planet.

Rense: Yeah. Well, that's like the Horten Ho 229, which was operable and flying at the end of the war in Germany. Single-seat, twin-jet, little bat wing fighter. It was an incredible plane. And there's film of it flying. There's pictures of it flying, but they ran out of time, again.

Horton Ho 229
Horten Ho 229

Oh, you know, there's . . . Harry Cooper was in Argentina recently, in South America, and says that the Horten brothers left Germany and went to Argentina and basically were working with the Argentine Air Force, and later on did the design work I think for the F-117, and he saw blueprints that the Hortens did when they were working on the F-117. I believe it was the F-117. It was a stealth-type project.

And that was done by them, you know, what, in the '70s, '80s, whenever they were building this thing, working on it. And it flew at Edwards, of course, but the Horten brothers, the German geniuses that built all the flying wings, were involved with the 117. So there you go.

Lockheed F117 Nighthawk

Lockheed F-117

Okay, Bill, go ahead. We have about five minutes left.

Tompkins: Okay. Maybe we can touch on a little bit of a who's doing what. And this is hard for the people around the country to visualize, but what I want to talk about is that we have Navy research facilities out on the desert. We have Air Force facilities and both of these are located off of Highway 395 out of San Fernando Valley - the main highway to the back side of Lake Tahoe.

So as you drive that road out, you pass the Air Force facility to get to the Navy base. And so if you turn left on a Highway 14, it goes up over the hill and comes down into Lake Isabella, which is a recreation lake. There's a large tunnel at the west-northwest end of the lake, which enters into underground caverns.

And if you were to just make the drive, go to the left on Highway 14 off of Highway 395. This means that the extraterrestrials cavern, which is around 200 miles wide and long, is located right off of Highway 14 across the street from the Air Force facility and the Navy test facility.

And so I was driving up to a rented cabin on a weekend with my wife and the three kids. We turned off of 395 and we went up to the summit that gets you down to the lake, and it was late at night and, of course, the engines quit on the car, the heaters go off, the lights go off, and this great big flash takes place – like daylight right at the summit. And we don't know how long we were gone, but this is where we were actually picked up by the extraterrestrials.

Rense: So you're an abductee, Bill?

Tompkins: Yes.

Rense: And your family is well?

Tompkins: My family is well.

Rense: They took all of you.

Tompkins: My daughter won't talk about it. My wife still has a problem with it. And it is the reason why my older son was taken. He died after a number of experiences in lakes right off of Highway 14. He died of leukemia like these other people are all dying from.

Rense: Uh-huh.

Tompkins: So he had been abducted when we were, but then they got a hold of him later many, many times.

Rense: He became a serial abductee. And so there's radiation involved with his leukemia at some point?

Tompkins: Yes.

Rense: I'm sorry about your loss.

Tompkins: Okay, but I'm just saying this is all __ to a lot of other people, but it's what's going on and we shouldn't be trying to cover it up any longer.

Rense: Oh, I couldn't agree more. Bill, thank you, again, for being here. We'll have you on again. And just put together what you'd like to talk about next time. It's always great to hear from you. You have an amazing story. And we appreciate your sharing it.

Tompkins: Thank you very much.

Rense: All right, sir. We'll talk again. George, what do you want to add here?

Filer: Well, people should listen to Bill. He's got a lot to say and there's a lot going on. You know, I've certainly talked about it in the past about the Air Force knowing a lot as well. Way back in '57 and stuff they were talking about this. This isn't anything new.

Rense: No, no. It's definitely old news to those who know. But the masses don't know. What do you think about people who are still demanding, George, that the government fess up and come clean? They don't have both oars in the water. They don't understand how the game is played. The government's not going to admit anything under any kind of pressure. They won't say anything until they're damn well good and ready, if ever.

Filer: And I don't know if they ever will.

Rense: Yeah.

Filer: Mrs. Clinton claims she's going to . . .

Rense: Oh, she's . . .

Filer: Full of beans.

Rense: She's full of it. She's not going to spell out anything. If Web Hubbell couldn't get anything, she's not going to get anything. Clinton, Bill Clinton, couldn't get anything except women. Thank you, George. We'll talk to you very soon and Frank, thank you. You want to add something real quick, Frank, to this? Another interesting conversation.

Chille: Well, it certainly has been, Jeff. Thank you for the opportunity of bringing Bill back on again tonight. We need more individuals of the integrity of Bill Tompkins to come forward and I think there are others that are just on the cusp. I really feel that way, Jeff.

Rense: Well, they can get in touch with you or George and we'll work it out. And they don't want to take this stuff with them. They want to leave it to all of us. It's our birthright to know all of this stuff.

Chille: It really is.

Rense: This whole secrecy thing is just wrong. All right. Thank you, guys, very much. Frank and George, thank you.

Chille: Have a great weekend, Jeff.

Rense: Thank you. All right. Okay. That's our program tonight on Friday the 13th. Now there is a lot of stuff to think about for sure. All right. Don't forget the documentary available. Look at the top of the homepage. It's right there. The remote viewing by Dick Allgire. It's an extraordinary thing to see. Okay? Take care. Back on Monday and the best of it, of course, our encore on Sunday night.

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