Our Technology Decades Ahead of What's Known (Part2)
Rense Radio Interview with William Tompkins and Maj. George Filer & Frank Chille - March 23, 2016

Part 2: (start at 00:33)
Jeff Rense: Okay. Let's get right back to our special guest, Bill Tompkins, who has just stunned us again with some of this material. And the interesting thing about Bill is he's got the detail that, for those of you who are skeptical, listen to the details. Those are the things you don't often hear.
If someone is out to tell a tall tale, they don't do that. This is the real deal from Bill Tompkins. Let me quickly, Bill, ask George to check in here with his update. George?
Maj. George Filer: _____ and I remember that . . . I'm president of the Air Force Association in Southern New Jersey and we elect, you might call it, the Teacher of the Year. In any case, one of the teachers that we nominated ended up winning as Teacher of the Year and she was invited to go to Egypt and visit all the pyramids and that kind of thing.
But she said the most interesting thing is that they visited tunnels underground in Egypt that had the same description that Bill mentioned just a little while ago.
Rense: Like 'smooth as glass surface'. I got it.
Filer: And interesting enough, they were guarded by Egyptian soldiers with submachine guns. But they had shown the teachers from United States these very special tunnels. Now she felt that these tunnels were (1) they were very old, but very likely that they were not ours. They were extraterrestrial. And she was not interested in all . . . any of this stuff. But she's verifying what he's talking about.
Rense: Okay. That's very interesting. All right. Frank?
Frank Chille: Well, ___ the story about the tankers and using those five gases, that's . . . I've never heard that before. Bill indicates that the Nordic Navy needs to come down here and really give us some assistance with some of these problems.
Rense: Ha, ha. Yeah, they're amazing. Folks, do a search. Use any search engine – Google, I don't care – for tunnel-boring machines and then hit 'Images', and look at some of these massive things that we are allowed to see. Okay?
Now, these aren't necessarily the ones that Bill's talking about, but these are in the public domain and I'm looking at the five page down and there's one tunnel machine, it's got, I don't know, fifteen people standing around it with ties. It looks like it's a launch of it, but it says 'U.S. Air Force' on it. It's got the star and the circle and the stripes behind it. It's an Air Force logo. It's an Air Force tunnel-boring machine. And it isn't meant to go up into the stratosphere, it's meant to go under, and it does. So these are pretty amazing.
Chille: In that photograph that you referred to, the first time I saw that photograph was in Bill Hamilton's “Cosmic Top Secret” book.
Rense: Yeah, yeah. Is Bill still with us?
Chille: I send emails to him and they are not returned, but he doesn't reply.
Rense: Huh. Okay. Well, if you're out there, Bill, 'Hello', and we had many wonderful programs in years past. I remember you fondly and hope you're doing well. Okay. Bill Tompkins, go ahead. Let's carry on here.
William Tompkins: Okay, if we could change the subject a little bit, trying to stay into what in the world does TRW do?
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: There's a program that . . . I mentioned before that we have a large group of people studying every aspect of medicine. And so in that group, there's sizable number who were studying what you'd call 'extended life'.
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: And so 'extended life' – what do you mean by that? Well, that involves keeping somebody pretty healthy. And it also involves extended use of the brain. So at TRW, we had all these people studying every aspect of medicine as it related to living longer.
Rense: Okay.
Tompkins: And, of course, the thing was to find the immortality gene.
Rense: Right. Right. The idea of extending life – life extension – has been a hot topic for a long time, and then certainly black operations money and budgets for that probably are as plentiful as the scientists need. So tell us what you know that they found out. Now this is going back to the 60s and, I guess, 70s.
Tompkins: Yeah, 1986~89.
Rense: All right.
Tompkins: Okay. So, TRW then started to attempt to come up with various technical studies and various support, life support, systems and looking at every aspect of what it would take to stick around longer. So this situation of not aging, it finally got itself to a point where one of over 60 separate studies came up with potential answers of how we could live longer.
I have to say in this that some of the people, some of the lab people, were being influenced – they had to have been – by Nordics. And I have, obviously, had that kind of a problem too.
Rense: Yes, I remember.
Tompkins: That assistance. But, in this case, nobody helped me. All right? So this program then, in a simple form, you take four aspirin over a six-month period.
Rense: Four aspirin a day?
Tompkins: No, you just take four aspirin. Not aspirin, it's a tablet. Okay? Or you could take . . .
Rense: Acetylsalicylic acid.
Tompkins: Okay.
Rense: That's what it is.
Tompkins: Whatever you want. Yeah. Okay. But it's not aspirin at all. Anyway, you . . .
Rense: Okay.
Tompkins: It's got nothing to do with aspirin.
Rense: Okay. I've got it.
Tompkins: You pop these four aspirin over a six-month period and immediately, you feel much better. And you start to very gradually revert back. And in some cases . . .
Rense: It reverses aging, you're saying.
Tompkins: Yeah. And some people revert back to them being 29 in less than three months. Others, it takes some five and six months.
Rense: And this is in the 80s it's going on?
Tompkins: No, this is, I'm sorry. This is '68, '69, '70.
Rense: Oh, my. So they had an ability, Bill, to reverse aging in the '60s?
Tompkins: That's what they were working on. They hadn't made it work yet. But what would take place is the people, the young ladies, would move back to 21 and the men would reverse back to 29 or 30. The interesting part when this program sort of picked out that version as being the best. It was also found that the brain would change to the extent that it would be . . . it would have a minimum of 400% greater capability than it had before they started. Now, some of the capability was like a 1,000%, but it was a minimum of 400%.
Rense: Wow!
Tompkins: That program has continued at TRW. It continued after Northrop bought TRW, and it extended to the point that the five largest advanced medical research companies, including the Scripps Medical Group
Rense: That's Scripps La Jolla.
Tompkins: La Jolla. They're all working on this, and they have as many as 300 people who are aging to some degree – stepping back. If you can accept the information on Solar Warden, where a Navy personnel, a Navy man, joins the Navy into the space group. He goes through training and then he goes out and operates in a kilometer-long space craft carrier in the galaxy. And he does this for 20 years and at the end of that, he gets the option to take another 20 years or he can go back to the Earth, because he had no contact with the Earth or family during that 20 years.
Rense: What you're saying then is these people who go into long-term space service can regain their lost 20 years with these pills. In other words, they're regaining lost time.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: So they don't mind long-term duty. Okay.
Tompkins: So you have, essentially, the same system in a different manner that we would be able to use. So this thing that we . . . this immortality gene idea, concept, has been worked on for 38 years, 40 years. So today, there is these five groups that are working on a program to actually bring in people, selected, into these five major medical research groups and take them all the way back.
Now, obviously, the study had help from extraterrestrials. We'd have to say it's probably the Nordics, and because they . . . how do you put this . . . They help . . . We've talked about them before, that I had, in the Douglas engineering system on the Apollo S4B Stage for the missions to the moon.
Rense: Saturn 4, yeah.
Tompkins: And so the people that I had helping me, these young ladies, essentially were . . . they appeared to be like 18 years old, but, you know, you could be 2,000 years old. So they can contribute far more than we can in 60 or 70 years and somebody gives us a watch and we're gone.
Rense: I understand.
Tompkins: So what we're seeing here is that roughly at the end of a little less than two years from right now, there's going to be a group that will be selected that will actually start full regression and going back to 21 and 29.
Rense: Well, I think they owe you, don't they, Bill?
Tompkins: I don't think they owe me. I think this is a collective effort that's been going. But the point is . . . I think . . . What I want to say here right now, gentlemen, is really, really important. When we talked about the history of everything and it all being a big lie, you have to stop and think of yourself. You've got your doctor's in 3 or 4 or 5 of the most technical subjects that are on the planet, and so then you get a some kid like Bill Tompkins talking to you, and, obviously, you're not going to believe him because you have been taught what needs to be in your technical field over six or eight years in the university. So you KNOW what it is. And this guy, Tompkins, is just some kid that's suggesting things.
Well, the point here is that sometimes we don't stop and think that what we have been taught for hundreds of years is lies in every technical field, not just medicine, not just astronomy, every technical field. We've been lied to.
Rense: Wow!
Tompkins: And so this is hard for us.
Rense: Yeah.
Tompkins: These PhDs to make the change to something that . . . “You mean everything they taught me was wrong? I have to now look at a new mathematics? And that's very hard for me.”
The reason I'm saying this is that is one of the key reasons so many top thinking people, PhDs, have been so hard to accept, for instance, what I tried to do with the Apollo program. And the Apollo program, the S4B Stage, up on top, that's a Control Station for the mission - that's where everything happens . . . So Douglas had the most complicated part of the Apollo. And fortunately, we had top engineers who were listening to the possibility of a different way to approach everything. And it worked.
But all of us have problems talking about extraterrestrials, particularly to the well-educated people because you can't believe them what they were taught. The books, the documents, the history is all incorrect.
Rense: That's amazing. That's really a paradigm shattering thing to consider. But when you think about the planet being 4.5 billion years old, my god, how many things could have happened that we have no idea about, never will. Probably 98% of the history of this planet we'll never know about.
Tompkins: That's correct, I'm sure. No question. And so this is really one of the biggest problems that we have. Your highly technical people . . . Now Bob Wood, for instance, . . .
Rense: At Douglas.
Tompkins: Yeah, at Douglas. Actually, he got his degree in three of the highest levels, but this guy sees things differently. He asks questions. He's demanding documentation. And I'm not trying to say he gave me a hard time with the book, but he gave me a hard time with the book!
Rense: Ha, ha.
Tompkins: He wanted justification. “Maybe you're smoking pot. I don't believe you.”
Rense: Yes, he's putting his career on the line, and he wanted to be sure. He wanted to work with you, but he had to be sure. Okay.
Tompkins: But that's again, back to our problem on Disclosure, and we have to really address that, because we're talking to the highest, highly technical people, and they KNOW we're smoking pot. They all know it. And it's hard from them to step back and look through a big window, . . .
Rense: Yeah.
Tompkins: . . . which is what we've got to do. Okay, anyway, from our own standpoint, gentlemen, there is a program which is going to be implemented, and it's taken 45 years, that it's highly possible that some of you may live a long time – much longer than you ever dreamed.
Now, this then collectively with Disclosure – these are two massive things that are going to happen. To me, we have a problem of convincing people, and I think the more exposure that we can get, I think the better we're going to be, because these two thing are going to happen and, obviously, how you get on the list . . .
Rense: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, the list, of course. There's 7 billion people on the planet. I don't think the controllers want to regress 7 billion people back to their 20s if they're older than that – or keep them at their 20s. That would be a problem. The birth rate would have to be massively curtailed and the population would have to be reduced at some point, which has all been talked about.
The idea of a way genetically to reverse aging, is not that far-fetched at all if you think about it. If genes determine what we look like, how we appear, how long we live, our relative resistance to disease, why couldn't it be reversed? Absolutely no reason why not. And that's what Bill Tompkins is talking about here, and genetic regression of age, the ending of senescence.
Tompkins: Now stop and think . . . Stop and think for a minute how much more we could, as individuals, contribute. It's staggering.
Rense: Well, we grow too soon old and too old smart, Bill, and you're right. So we get all this wisdom – it's too soon gone from the planet. So to keep it around, if we're physically being reverted to 29 and 21, we'd have that wisdom, and we'd be, as you say, 400%, some 1,000%, more mentally capable, in addition to having the wisdom. We'd turn into a genius class.
Tompkins: Okay. We agree. Now, could we revert back to that think thank over at Douglas?
Rense: Yes, we can, but we have to take a break.
Tompkins: All right.
Rense: Get a drink of water, and we'll be right back and carry on with Mr. William Tompkins, whose first book is available right now – three more to go. And at the rate Bill Tompkins remembers and reports things, it could be more than that. Back in just a few minutes on this very interesting night.
(23:09~24:09 – Break)
Rense: Okay. Here we are. Now, this is a night to remember as I say. I don't know how many of you saw the movie “Limitless”. I guess there is a spin-off TV series, which . . . I saw one portion of an episode that was inferior, but the idea of a pill allows you to utilize, what, 5% of your brain, I don't know what they say, you know, 50% of your brain, or something like that. We now have the potential, according to Bill Tompkins, of an age regression pill – like taking four aspirins in six months – which will bring you back, as a female to about 21, as a male to about 29 or 30. That's pretty amazing.
If you come back to that state physiologically, and not cerebrally . . . Now, mentally, we're electrical. So the electrical part of our database shouldn't be affected by such a pill, and if they've been after this for 45 or 50 or more years, I'm sure they know exactly what they're doing by now.
The problem, Bill, with this is that there's going to be a bit of a clamor to get on the list. So, ha . . .
Tompkins: Ha, ha, ha.
Rense: Just a bit.
Tompkins: I'm laughing.
Rense: Yeah, yeah. So you need to be on that list. That's for sure. I don't know how this is all going to play out as it is rolled out eventually when people find out about it. And they're finding out about it, thanks to you, right now. But it's a big story. BIG story. Let me get a quick not from George and then back to Frank. Go ahead, George.
Filer: Sign me up on the list. Ha, ha.
Rense: See.
Filer: The gang is ready to go on the list. Now I will say that I've interviewed quite a few people who've been aboard alien spaceships and claim that not so much that they talk about a pill, but they have . . . This one lady that I knew is like 60 years old and she was aboard a craft going from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and claimed that she was shown a lady inside a a glass tube who was like 20 years old and she's 60 and they asked her if she would like to be that lady. She'd be 20 and young and beautiful and blond-haired and so forth.
Rense: Uh-ha.
Filer: We've also had quite a few cases where they, the aliens, particularly the Nordics, claim that they are our ancestors. So I don't know how true that is, but that kind of fits into to what Bill's saying that they have this capability to live to be quite old.
Rense: Long lives. Hundreds and hundreds of years. Yeah.
Filer: And then actually I've met ladies who claim to be, first of all, Nordics, and claim to be like 95 years old and who look about 21. Assuming what they're saying is true, they have amazing capabilities as far as age is concerned.
Rense: All right. Frank?
Chille: It wouldn't surprise me if they have that capability. And I would let my share go to Bill Tompkins and George Filer.
Rense: Oh, that's nice. Very nice.
Chille: Listen, I'd like to suggest this Jeff. Bill shared a story with me of an historic meeting he had with von Braun at Redstone Arsenal, and I think you and your audience would be astounded by it.
Rense: Okay. All right. I think we've certainly opened the door to what you've been talking about wide, Bill. You want to tell us about Werhner von Braun and the meeting at Redstone?
Tompkins: Okay. Actually, the meeting itself was an illegal meeting in that . . . I have to back off a little bit.
Rense: Sure.
Tompkins: At the Douglas Design Group, where I was section chief, on the Apollo Program, we . . . Now, this is not . . . This is what really took place, and this is not a made up story to cover something. The entire time that we did the Apollo Program, everybody was throwing wrenches into the gears. And we mentioned this before when we talked earlier.
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: But the point is that people's minds were being controlled – manufacturing at Douglas were. And corporate was. And all of these people were saying, “Why we shouldn't do it or we can't do it and we're wasting time and get Tompkins out of there.” So in that environment, we sort of . . . my section sort of isolated ourselves and stepped back and started looking at what was the mission – what's the Apollo mission? And then what does it take to accomplish that? What are the things that we have to do?
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: And the contract from NASA said one thing. It was insane. There was no way it would ever work. So . . . And incidentally, the contract was written partially by German SS research people, because they came over with Project Paperclip and they came over to help us on some sort of a program in space. And, of course, it was their program that they brought over. But those people had one thing that they really slipped on. They were genius – the Germans. But they were not into automation and they were not into micro, micro systems.
So we had had an opportunity – now listen to this. We had had an opportunity to utilize a facility, a Douglas facility, over in Escondido – the one that Jack Northrop used to have before he built his company. This was where we were allowed to get into Area 51, some of our people, pick up the stuff, bring it back and play with it. Okay?
And so here we are playing with extraterrestrial stuff, trying to figure it out. And in that, we found that there's some breakthroughs in how we could design a computer, which would accomplish all of the stuff that is done manually for our equipment.
Of course, there's nothing in the contract that allows us to do that. Everything in German was done manually. So when we put together some of this stuff that our group was studying, they said, “Holy cats. Let's see if we could do it their way.”
So we came up with a group of systems, and some of them are in the book, of how we could automate virtually everything that our stage, the controlling stage, could be operated from - essentially, no manual at all.
And so when we found that the mission was wrong, we then, of course, went back and started doing the missions too. And then we found that, of course, we would have to support the Navy in developing Naval stations on all of the planets or their solar systems' moons. And then after that stage go out to the 12 stars and do the same thing on them and then go commercial – extraterrestrial commercial out in the galaxy.
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: So, when we were doing this, we came into automating everything – every step. And the Germans, who were running NASA, they owned it and refused to allow us to modify their contract. So like I had mentioned before, we put together this package, and I had a model built of the launch control building, center, which was finally built, and I flew the model down to Redstone Arsenal and at the airport there I rented a truck and drove it out to (Redstone) __ Tower and the guards __. A dolly came down the steps, took the model off of the truck, opened the truck, put it on the dolly, took it up, the elevators doors opened and we went up to von Braun's level at the top. The doors opened there. We went in and I had a blue covering the model. We then got von Braun on one side and Dr. Debus on the other and I spent the rest of the week with them.
Rense: Wow! Do you have a picture of the three of you? Did anybody take a photo – just for fun? Or do you have a memory of that? That's an amazing trio.
Tompkins: Well, that's in the book and so in detail. And the point there is that my secretary had said before we even went down there that I've written you a letter which will introduce you to the top people in NASA, but you're never going to use it. So then she did all of that stuff where I'm driving into that zone arsenal, the secret area, and the secret doors, gates, opened without stopping me. The armed guards don't grab me and shoot me. Nobody tries to find a bomb inside the truck, a box. And all of these things happened exactly as she told me it would.
She also told me not to believe a lot of the stuff that the German guys would say. But Dr. Debus, to me, even though von Braun was the top guy, Debus somehow immediately, right after I started talking, became a friend. And I can't describe it any other way. And virtually, I couldn't say anything wrong.
And so he fully accepted this new concept to do it . . . go automatic on everything, even the Watch Control Building. And the transporter and taking the vehicles out on a raft down a river, build a truck and drive it down the freeway to get it out from the launch area – from the control area to the launch area. And everything then changed. And it got accomplished.
But the point was that the SS was already starting . . . They just got here and they were taking over everything.
Rense: Yeah.
Tompkins: And they got jobs through whatever method in all of the aerospace companies, all of the medical companies, all of the subcontractors. There were 40,000 contractors in the Apollo program from all over the country. And so German guys, who could speak fairly good and sometimes excellent English, took over all these companies.
And this, then, was to really accomplish Hitler's mission – to go out into space. So what took place there in Redstone Arsenal was a takeover of your planet. So you didn't . . . You didn't win the war. The war ended because we bombed the country to . . . we totally destroyed Germany.
Rense: Yeah.
Tompkins: But like everybody knows, the Germans were taking all the good stuff from aerospace, I mean, from extraterrestrials – UFOs and everything – to Antarctica.
Rense: Tens of thousands of them went to Argentina and the rumors about Antarctica, of course, remain. And there's every reason to believe that that happened. There was a movie, a documentary made, around 1938-39, by some German researchers, explorers, who went down there. I'm sure there were a number of expeditions, but these guys came back with some black and white film of their journey to Argentina and on the subcontinent walking around. They took you via their film into enormous underground caverns, caves, whatever you want to call them that had no cold, no snow – totally habitable. And apparently numerous. And that is where it's believed there is an on-going sub-culture right now, not to mention Argentina, some in Uruguay, some in Brazil, but most of it in Argentina.
In Bariloche, Argentina, where Hitler and Eva Braun lived for at least 10 years . . .
Tompkins: I thought they were killed.
Rense: No, no. They were not killed.
Tompkins: Ha, ha.
Rense: You're being funny. Yes, they died in the bunker. No, they didn't die in the bunker for you folks that are not up to that. Go to Sharkhunters.com and buy the book, Hitler in Argentina, and be informed. Okay? Eyewitnesses in the bunker, one from Spain, an intelligence officer, wrote the story up in longhand and sent it to Harry Cooper who put it out over 20 years ago in his first book called Escape from the Bunker.
I talked him into updating the book and upgrading it because of his trips to Argentina and he agreed. The result is “Hitler in Argentina” - eyewitnesses down there, the whole thing. But there's even a color picture on the front page of the book of the big Mercedes built and funded a Bavarian-style chalet that Hitler and Eva Braun lived in in Bariloche.
Interesting footnote about Bariloche, Eisenhower . . . Now this is out of the way, folks, I mean REALLY out of the way in southern Argentina.
Tompkins: Keep it going.
Rense: In Argentina, in 1960, in San Carlos de Bariloche, a visitor showed up. His name: Dwight David Eisenhower in 1960. What the hell did he go down there in the middle of nowhere for as beautiful as it was? And then who else went down there? Bill Clinton went down there. Who went down there this week? Barack Obama.
Why are they going to Bariloche? Tens of thousands of Germans went down there in that area, set up an entire German mini-country, Bavarian villages. They guarded Hitler while he was there. For the last about eight years of his life, they had to move north because Bariloche became a tourist destination and became very popular, and the cover would have been blown.
He went north 500 kilometers to Cordoba where he passed on in 1962. It is said that the great lady, as they called her in the community down there, may have just died about five years ago – lived to be very old, nearly a hundred. Don't know, can't validate it, but that's the story.
The book: Hitler in Argentina at Sharkhunters.com. I urge you to read it. I didn't mean to take up your time, Bill, but yes, thank you for that. He didn't die in the bunker, for god's sake.
Tompkins: Ha, ha, ha. I appreciate you giving the details on that, because it is . . . it's just . . . The whole situation of us having World War II was then reversed.
Rense: Correct. By the way, there's a memo in the book, Bill, for your own edification - you'll like this - from J. Edgar Hoover in 1947 where Hoover was told to knock it off. And he issued a memo, FBI wide, that said, “Under no circumstances is anyone to continue searching for Adolph Hitler in Argentina.” He was told to stop.
And why did they let him go, some of you are saying? Again, I repeat – because of the technology. It was a trade-off.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: Simple. Go ahead, Bill, please. We have about two to three minutes left – this visit.
Tompkins: Okay. I appreciate your covering that because people really need to read that. And when you get to Admiral Byrd's excursion down there. They were going to go down there and take care of the situation . . .
Rense: Oh, yeah. Operation Highjump turned into Operation Disaster.
Tompkins: Yeah. That's what it was. It was a total disaster. But the Eisenhower situation brings up the other discussion by both Truman with different extraterrestrials, and then Eisenhower with another group and supposedly Nordic, but a lot of people are saying now that Eisenhower's people were, the extraterrestrials, were not Nordic.
Rense: That could well be.
Tompkins: I've just got information . . .
Rense: The one thing about Eisenhower, Bill, as you know, he really hated the German people.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: He killed between 1 and 2 million German military men after the war ended, for God's sakes. This man was a monster.
Tompkins: Yeah.
Rense: When he went down there in 1960, Hitler and Braun had already moved north to Cordoba – about 1956. They were there 10 years in Bariloche. So when Ike went there, he didn't go there to meet with Hitler. He went down there to look at the Germans, to learn what he could, I think, and, perhaps, there was an ET involvement there. It is also said, as we all know, Eisenhower met at least once with extraterrestrials in 1954, and maybe again in '56. But that's another story.
Tompkins: Yes. But it's important, really important.
Rense: Okay. Bill, just wrap it up and then we're going to have you back here as soon as we can arrange it through the good graces of Frank. Thank you very much for sharing this – just phenomenal information. And the detail you present is really irrefutable. Do you have any W2 forms from the TRW days when they paid you? Hopefully, they paid you.
Tompkins: Ha, ha. Somewhere.
Rense: Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you must. Hey, listen, we'll talk again soon, Bill. Keep at it. Glad you're here. Hope you made the list. And we'll talk to you again soon.
Tompkins: Very good, sir. Nice to be here. I appreciate it.
Rense: Thank you, Bill. Thank you. George Filer, closing comment.
Filer: Oh, my.
Rense: Oh, my. That'll do it.
Filer: Everything Bill says is very exciting and I know a little bit about von Braun and met some of the scientists interestingly enough and men in that program. It did exist. Matter of fact, they still keep all . . . a great deal of that information secret in our archives.
Rense: Right. Exactly. Exactly. Frank Chille, thank you very much for arranging this. I'm standing by for the next one. Whenever you want to do it, let me know.
Chille: Well, he's got stories about time-travel capabilities and Jack Northrop buying an aircraft drydocks to build the kilometer-long ships that Bill designed. I mean he could go on another six hours.
Rense: Well, we'll do it. You just let me know and I'll book it. Thank you, very much, Frank.
Chille: Thank you, Jeff.
Rense: Terrific. Okay, well, wow! We're going to pause and come back with more after this.